Sistem Pemesanan Katering Berbasis Website


  • Aang Samsudin Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Ade Indra Sanjaya Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


System, Ordering, Catering, Prototype Method, Object Oriented Programming.


The development of technology today is increasing rapidly, spreading to various fields. Toko Nadera is among those affected, as it still uses conventional book-based methods for recording payments, creating orders, and generating reports. The method used to collect data in this research is qualitative. The observation process was conducted by interviewing the owner of Toko Nadera. The system approach used is Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Prototype, and Unfield Modeling Language (UML). The result of this research is to facilitate customers in placing orders, allowing the store owner to manage order data easily and create organized reports, reducing the possibility of data duplication. This system provides benefits for both the store owner and customers. The store owner can manage the catering business more easily because it has adopted a web-based management system, enabling decision-making based on well-organized report data, while customers experience a more efficient ordering process.


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