Rancang Bangun Mesin Press Kaleng Bekas Minuman Menggunakan Penggerak Motor Listrik


  • Sutrisno
  • Hari Witjahjo
  • Resti Sagita Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


Used Beverage Can Press, electic motor drive system


In everyday life, the number of used aluminum cans around us becomes waste that can disturb the cleanliness of the environment. We often see in everyday life the used goods collectors, especially for aluminum cans, to press the cans, they do it by stepping on or hitting the cans with a hammer so that the volume of the cans can be reduced. This can be risky because the impact of tamping the can and repeatedly hammering it can be injurious. Based on the negative impact caused by the can pressing process, a Can Pressing Machine was created to increase the speed of the pressing process. Aims to produce a concept and system design that is effective, easy, safe, and of high quality in can pressing machines.The working principle of this machine is to utilize the compressive force of the piston which moves translationally. This piston movement is powered by an electric motor with a power of 05 HP, a rotation of 2800 rpm, the rotation of this motor has a disc that functions as a crankshaft. This disc will move the connecting rod which is connected to the piston. The force that works to press the can is 951.57 N. It is hoped that this machine can assist used goods collection agents and can be further developed so that it can be useful in the canned waste handling sector in the surrounding environment.


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