Implementasi Teknologi ESP-32 Camera Dalam Sistem Keamanan Kandang Domba Berbasis Internet Of Things


  • Achmad Anwari Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Lilik Hari Santoso Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Riffa Fadillatul Shopa Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


Cage,Security,Sensor, Control,Camera


Various electronic devices have been used in livestock pen security systems, such as theft detection devices. Although available in the market, most of these devices are sold separately, which in turn can increase the cost of implementation. The manufacture of this tool aims to develop a security system from theft in livestock cages, especially sheep, which is more sophisticated by utilizing the NodeMCU ESP8266 based on the Internet of Things (IoT). This system has advantages especially in continuous operational capabilities and automatic connection with other devices. In addition, this system also allows monitoring through the Telegram application accessed by the cage owner. The creation of this sheep pen security system tool is carried out by including 4 security mechanisms namely door condition detection, camera capture, object counter and control via telegram bot. This security system is controlled under the NodeMCU ESP8266 Microcontroller and ESP32 CAM. The sensors used are MC-38 sensors, Infrared sensors and HC-SR505 sensors and the camera used is the camera on the ESP32 CAM, where the camera will capture photos of objects that break through the cage door. This tool can work with two systems: auto and manual. In the auto system, all sensors will work and send data automatically. In the manual system, the device can be controlled with a command code that is applied.


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